Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jekyll Island

I posted a slideshow of Jekyll Island in the left margin, so I thought I should explain something about that. Three weeks ago Andrew told me that he had to go to Jekyll Island to photograph a golf tournament(Andrew works for a company that does event photography). Since he was going alone, he asked me if I would like to go with him and keep him company. It didn't take long to talk me into it because I have wanted to go to Jekyll Island for a long time and I never have had a chance to go. Anyway, we spent the weekend there and the slideshow is just some of the photos that I made while we were there. As you can see it is beautiful there even in the winter.


Daniel & Mae said...


Anonymous said...

33 years of marriage? No way, it was only--what a couple of years ago--that I saw the framed photo of you in a bikini next to Forrest's bed at Nanny's house! The Jekyll Island photos are incredibble...lots of talent in your family!

Forrest & Karen said...

Obviously, if I was wearing a bikini it was a very long time ago!