Thursday, January 24, 2008

About Us

I guess our first post should start off with something about us. As of tomorrow, we will have been married for 33 years. We were young when we got married, so we are not really all that old. I like to think like that anyway. We have two boys. Andrew, who is 28, has been married to Jen-Yu for a little over a year and a half. Right now they are on their way to Taiwan to visit Jen-Yu's family and attend the Chinese New Year celebrations. Daniel, who is 24, has been married to Magen for almost a year and a half. Yes, in the summer of 2006 we had two weddings which were 7 weeks apart, and we lived through it and are here to tell about it! Daniel and Magen are preparing to be missionaries to France. They will be leaving us and moving to France when they have raised enough support to fund their ministry. If anyone is interested in helping to support their ministry, let us know and we will get you the information you need. We also have a cat whose name is Byron and is a big part of our family. He will soon be having his 12th birthday and he has been with us since he was a baby. He never goes outside and is very spoiled. You can see his picture on the header. That is the basics about our family. We will add more details as time goes on.

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