Monday, March 31, 2008

Our Weekend

We just finished a busy  weekend. We had a birthday party for our daughter-in-law, Jen-Yu, yesterday. Most of the weekend was spent getting ready for that. Jen-Yu's birthday is actually Thursday, but she and Andrew work a lot at night and Andrew is working out of town most weekends, so yesterday was the best time for them to have the party since Andrew was working in town this weekend. We grilled shrimp and had cake and homemade ice cream. Jen-Yu wants to learn to sew, so Andrew got her a sewing machine for her birthday and we got her a  lot of other things she will need for sewing. Here are some pictures from the party. As you can see, Forrest is the master of the grill.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Most Recent Projects

I almost always have some kind of project going. Right now it is journal covers and t-shirts. The t-shirts have a kind of reverse applique technique on them. The ones in the picture say "double happiness" and "dream" in chinese(I think). The journal covers use the same type of reverse applique technique with a few more embellishments on them.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Forrest's Office

Forrest finally got his new office furniture at work. I should have taken before pictures because you cannot believe how bad this office looked when Forrest moved in. Forrest painted the office himself and then got new carpet. Now he finally has his office furniture. He just needs a few accessories and some pictures on the wall and he will be all set.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Byron!

Byron is our "Baby" and today is his 12th birthday. For those of you who don't know, Byron is our Himalayan cat. He has been with us since he was a baby and he could not be more spoiled. He never goes outside. He does not want to go outside. The house is his domain. I like to say that his little feet have never touched the ground, and you would believe it if you saw how much fur sticks out between his little toes and how clean it is. I have put together a little slide show of pictures of Byron from the time he was a baby in honor of his birthday. Enjoy!